Dave Petrone '66, MBA '68, was one of two who received the University of Oregon's 2012 Pioneer Award at an awards ceremony and gala held at the Nines Hotel in Portland in May. Known throughout the UO for his extraordinary support of a wide range of schools and departments--not to mention his successful chairing of the university's Oregon Campaign from 1992 through 1998--Petrone has also had a profound impact on one of the Lundquist College's signature programs, the Warsaw Sports Marketing Center. In 2004, Petrone and his wife Nancy endowed the center with a challenge gift of $600,000. As the center's managing director Paul Swangard recalled, "The Petrones were good friends of Jim Warsaw's and stepped in when we needed additional investment as the program continued to expand. As we prepare to celebrate the center's twentieth anniversary, I think the Petrone gift stands as one of the key catalysts to our success." But Petrone's engagement with the college didn't stop there. Along with sitting on the Lundquist College Board of Advisors from 1993 to 1996, Petrone has never hesitated to take time out of his busy schedule to share his wisdom with the next generation, most recently presenting a talk on financing real estate investments as part of the Finance and Securities Analysis Center's ongoing Speaker Series.